Exercises to Strengthen the Bladder Control Muscles in a Child
Holding It
You can help train your child to hold his urine until he makes it to the bathroom with daytime exercises. Ask your child to tell you when he's going to the bathroom during the day. If you are with him, tell him to hold it for a short time before he goes to the bathroom. Tell him that the exercise will help him stay dry at night. Start by asking him to hold it for 30 seconds. Do this daily and slightly increase the time you ask him to wait.
Kegel Exercises
The trick in performing an effective Kegel exercise is isolating the correct muscles. When your child is going to the bathroom, have him stop midstream, hold it for a second, and then continue. This will help him find the right muscle to contract in order to perform effective Kegel exercises. Once he locates the correct muscle, he can practice contracting and releasing this muscle throughout the day. Contract and hold really tight for as long as he can, release and relax for five seconds, and then repeat. Your child can do these exercises basically anywhere at anytime. Have him try to do them for about 10 minutes a day.
Nightly Bathroom Visits
Many children who wet the bed do it at about the same time each night. Once you figure out your child's pattern, help him set a bathroom schedule. In addition to a routine of your child going to the bathroom right before he goes to sleep, wake him later in the night and bring him to the bathroom, checking to see whether he has already wet the bed. If he hasn't yet gone, try to keep him awake in the bathroom until he urinates. Once he's done, he can go back to bed. Doing this every night will get him used this new bathroom schedule.
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