Holistic Cures for Belly Aches

A stomachache may be a common occurrence for many individuals, but that doesn't change the fact that it can be extremely uncomfortable and disruptive to someone's day. Many people are still using holistic remedies to cure bellyaches, because effective over-the-counter remedies aren't available, and most doctors don't prescribe medicine for stomach issues that aren't serious.
  1. Apple and Ginger Remedy

    • Carefully remove the core from an apple and slice the remaining good portion into pieces, making sure to leave the skin intact. Sprinkle a small amount of sugar and powdered ginger over the apple pieces. Heat in the microwave (in a microwave-safe bowl or plate) for 45 seconds. Eat while still warm. If you don't want to cook with a microwave or don't have one, bake the apple pieces in the oven at 300 degrees until the apple pieces are warm (about 5 to 10 minutes). Be sure to check the apples frequently to make sure you don't overcook them.

      For people who find themselves lying awake in bed at night with a stomachache, an apple may be the best thing. Have you ever heard the expression, "an apple a day will keep the doctor away"? This remedy can fend off the bellyache blues.

    Heating Pad and Clear Soda

    • A soda may still be the best remedy for a stomachache. It's an old remedy that moms across America have been using for the past few decades. Stick to clear sodas and liquids and slowly sip on them. Lie down comfortably in a bed or couch or recline in a chair. Lay a heating pad that has already been heated up across the belly area and allow it to warm the tummy while you drink the soda. If the soda and heating pad combination doesn't seem to be working or there is nausea and vomiting involved with the stomachache, or you prefer a healthier approach to getting better (for example, if you prefer not to drink soda or don't have any on hand), try sipping on iced tea instead of the soda.

      For kids, add one or two scoops of lime sherbet in a cup of clear soda to make a sherbet and soda float. This in combination with a heating pad can comfort sick children.

    Using Acid Foods to Fight the Ache

    • Try one of these acidic foods. Most people think that the worst in the world they could put into their ailing belly is something more acidic, but in some cases, this actually helps. Two holistic remedies can help a stomachache. Both are relatively inexpensive and involve common ingredients.

      Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (organic, if possible) to 16 ounces of cold water. Mix well and sip throughout the day. You can also take the vinegar straight, but most people find this too strong and prefer mixing it in with a little water to dull the flavor. Add honey to the mix to counteract the tartness of the apple cider vinegar.

      The second acidic bellyache fighter is mustard. Plain mustard will do, and you can eat it directly off a spoon. Otherwise, make an open-faced sandwich (lean meats, such as turkey or chicken are the best) and add mustard. Eating just a mustard sandwich is OK too.

      A more traditional Ayurvedic cure for a bellyache involves swallowing mustard seeds that have been soaked in mustard oil (about a teaspoon). Or swallowing 3 grams of powdered mustard seeds with water to a cure a stomachache.


    • Tea is one of the best things for a stomachache. Regular black tea is what is typically recommended; however, some people prefer mint or even chamomile tea. The upside to chamomile tea is the fact that it also has a calming affect and tends to make people feel sleepy before bedtime, so it is a good tea to drink just before bed. Avoid adding milk or cream to any tea. This tends to upset the stomach more. Add a few mint leaves to a cup of chamomile tea to fix a bellyache.

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