Holistic Way to Stop Smoking
Well Being
One holistic approach to quitting smoking is to concentrate on the mind, body and soul for total well being. You can do wonders with a determined and positive mind set, coupled with a concentration on the well-being of the body and soul. The number one factor you need is an honest desire to quit. The mind set can be enhanced with lists--both of the detriments of smoking and the benefits of quitting; journal keeping to record your progress; and reinforcement from family, friends and even a support group. Physically you can embark in an exercise routine, yoga, walking, deep breathing, swimming -- any activity that enhances your body and reminds you how much better you can breathe without cigarettes. You can nurture your soul by taking up new hobbies and beneficial habits to replace the smoking, like learning a new musical instrument, painting, gardening or any other artistic or creative endeavor.
Acupuncture is the ancient Oriental art of inserting needles into pressure points in different areas on the body to relieve a number of ailments or conditions. Some of the successful conditions treated include the side effects of quitting smoking, such as nicotine cravings, nervousness and other withdrawal symptoms. Each person will have a slightly different history, and therefore individual sessions may vary, but a number of key points in the ear are usually targeted for the smoking habit. These include the points that correspond to the shenmen, or heart; kidney; the sympathetic nervous system; lungs and hunger, or the mouth. Acupuncture treatments may be enhanced by using Chinese herbs; bodywork, such as massage; breathing and other exercises; as well as changes in the diet that can help the body regain its balance and making kicking the smoking habit a bit easier.
Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is gaining popularity as an alternative and holistic way to beat a number of bothersome habits and problems -- like smoking. EFT works by first acknowledging that you completely accept yourself, even though you smoke. You then set up a "reminder phrase" which you repeat as you go through a series of tapping exercises. Tapping moves from your forehead to your fingertips, focusing on key points as you repeat the reminder phrase. EFT has been known to work completely and quite quickly, but again, the main factor in any successful program is going to be an honest desire to quit.