Can Candida Diet Cause Night Sweats?
The Candida Diet
Candida is commonly treated with a combination of herbal supplements and dietary changes. Because certain foods such as milk, sugar and alcohol feed the candida and allow it to thrive, these foods should be eliminated from the diet or reduced as much as possible. Foods allowed on a candida diet include those that are high in protein and iron and low in carbohydrates, such as leafy greens, meat and eggs.
The Herxheimer Reaction
When people begin to follow the recommended candida diet, their symptoms may actually get worse, or they may develop flu-like symptoms. This may lead people to believe that the candida diet causes night sweats and other symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal bloating, headaches and fatigue. This temporary reaction, however, is actually caused by something known as the Herxheimer reaction. As the candida bacteria begin to die off, the body becomes flooded with toxins that the liver and kidney cannot immediately process. The Herxheimer reaction was discovered by Austrian doctors Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer in 1895. It was initially noticed in patients who were being treated for syphilis, which is caused by spirochetes, bacteria similar to candida. Some people may experience mild die-off symptoms, while for others, the Herxheimer reaction can be quite severe. Die-off symptoms may be a more intense version of symptoms you already experience, or you may experience new symptoms. Common symptoms include cognitive impairment, headaches, muscle and joint pain, cravings for sweets and alcohol, and digestive problems.
How to Reduce Die-Off Effect
If you are following a candida diet, there are several steps you can take to reduce the occurrence of die-off symptoms, including night sweats. Introduce changes to your diet slowly. If you are taking an herbal supplement formulated to kill candida, begin with a small daily dosage and gradually increase it. Exercise regularly and drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins from your system. Charcoal tablets may also help absorb toxins and reduce abdominal gas. The Herxheimer response is temporary; after a few days, you should feel your health begin to improve.