Holistic Treatment for Scabies
Warm Baths
Maha Marichadi Taila is a medicated oil. It should be applied over the entire body after taking a warm bath. This treatment should be followed for a week.
Margosa Oil
Margosa oil is an antibacterial/antifungal oil which helps remove scabies mites. In addition, aloe vera and menthol are effective in the treatment of scabies.
Itch Relief
For itch relief, oats can be added to a warm bath. Also, filling a hollowed out onion half with sea salt can provide itch relief. Once the sea salt dissolves, the remaining liquid can be applied to the skin.
It is important that after a scabies diagnosis is made to keep nails short and clean. Nails are the primary carriers for toxins and make spreading infection likely.
Remember to avoid close contact with other people to avoid spreading the scabies mite. Wash all clothing, towels and bedding, too.