Holistic Cure for Hives
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a common plant, the fluid of which is extremely soothing to the skin. You can purchase aloe vera in three ways. It comes in pill form, which you can take twice a day, a liquid that you can drink or a gel that you can rub on the body. The gel, applied several times a day, will bring the swelling down quickly.
Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendron is a supplement available at most health food stores; it can help with the swelling and itching associated with hives by counteracting histamine. Take the supplements according to directions. Relief should begin within 30 minutes, and the hives should be eliminated within a few hours.
Cool Baths
If your hives are accompanied by a hot, burning feeling, try taking a cool bath. The cool water will calm the skin, relieving the burning feeling. A relaxing cool bath is also a stress reliever, and stress is a hives trigger.
Determine the cause of the hives so that you can steer clear of those things in the future. If your hives are caused by stress, practice breathing exercises or other stress-management techniques. If you experience any chest tightening or breathing difficulties with the onset of hives, contact a medical professional immediately.