Yoga for Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Some poses could be dangerous for hips and back. Yoga itself can cause sacroiliac joint pain due to stretches that strain ligaments and poses that prompt the pelvis and sacrum to move apart.
Yoga improves posture, making you feel taller. Yoga corrects many of the contributing factors to low back pain. Gentle yoga practice can correct your standing, walking and sitting posture naturally.
Yoga helps your skeleton. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey published a report in 2004 describing the musculoskeletal benefits of Hatha yoga.
Focus on gaining stability and building up the muscles around the joint. Try twists, gentle backbends and asymmetrical forward folds only under the supervision of a qualified professional. Proper alignment, especially in the pelvis, is crucial.
Always seek the opinion and consent of a medical professional when it comes to your spine. Even beneficial poses can prove harmful when improperly executed.