Holistic Treatment of Cellulitis
Cellulitis is a skin infection that usually appears on the legs but can develop or spread anywhere. Streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria are the two most common causes. Each bacterium releases an enzyme to inhibit the body's ability to stop the infection from spreading. Cellulitis typically needs an antibiotic, but there are holistic approaches you can use along with the allopathic approach.-
Herbs that can help with healing cellulitis include garlic, thyme, cleavers, goldenseal, calendula (marigold) blossoms and tea tree oil.
Immune System
Strengthening the immune system is one strategy to help the body fight off the infection. Eat nutritiously, including a variety of vegetables and whole foods, while reducing sugar intake. You can also take echinacea and/or goldenseal.
Herbs like garlic, goldenseal and echinacea are used internally to strengthen the body, but you can apply tea tree oil, marigold, thyme (but not the oil) and cleavers directly to the wound to speed healing. Goldenseal and garlic can also be applied topically. Garlic can be painful if the cellulitis is extensive or deep.
Some people, especially those prone to long-term or repeated episodes of cellulitis, find yoga, acupuncture and/or acupressure beneficial for restoring balance to the body and eliminating recurrences.
Prevention is the best way to treat cellulitis. Be diligent about cleaning and caring for skin wounds, even little ones. Strengthen your immune system, and don't scratch bug bites or rashes.