Sinus Drainage Technique
Use Steam
The Mayo Clinic article "Chronic Sinusitis" suggests using steam as a way to promote drainage. The hot, moist steam loosens up the mucus, making it thinner so it can easily drain. Take a hot shower and breathe in the steam. Another method that can be done a few times a day is to boil water on the stove. Inhale the steam for two to three minutes. The article "Home Remedy for Sinus Infection" on the Sinus Infection Help website suggests adding garlic to the boiling water. Garlic is an herb with antibacterial antiseptic qualities. With garlic powder or chopped fresh garlic added to the water, the steam not only improves drainage but also cleans the sinuses.
Use Nasal Irrigation
In nasal irrigation, you clean the sinus passageways with warm water and salt. This remedy has been in use for thousands of years. The Mayo Clinic writes, "Use a specially designed squeeze bottle (such as Sinus Rinse), bulb syringe or neti pot to rinse your nasal passages." All these products are available at a drugstore or health food store. Most irrigation kits come with pre-measured packets of salt or saline to add to the water. This salt is not regular table salt but pure salt. Follow the directions on the label. Nasal irrigation can be done one to three times a day for cleaning out the sinuses. According to studies at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, nasal irrigation is a very effective way to clean the sinuses on a regular basis.
Drink Water
Drinking lots of fluids also helps with drainage. The Mayo Clinic states that the water is able to "dilute mucous secretions and promote drainage." By drinking more water, the fluids wash away toxins, wastes and other harmful substances that may be contributing to the sinus problems. The American Dietetic Association in its article "Water, Water Everywhere--How Much Should You Drink?" suggests drinking eight to 10 cups a day. But if you have sinus congestion, drinking more water is beneficial.