What Is the Protocol After Treating Candida?
Some candida sufferers find that it takes months or even years to resolve their symptoms, and only then with a strict adherence to a recommended diet. As you gain experience with treating candida, you will begin to learn which foods work for you and which ones are problematic. For keeping candida under control and for maintaining general health, you should continue eating a diet that is high in vegetables, protein and complex carbohydrates, and that is low in processed foods, refined foods, sugar and other simple carbohydrates. As your candida symptoms resolve, you may add some of your favorite foods back into your diet, but do so gradually and watch for a recurrence of symptoms. Fruits can often be added back into the diet without complications, but sugar, alcohol and fermented foods should be kept to a minimum.
Many candida sufferers take probiotics as a part of their treatment. According to the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, probiotics are "live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host." Probiotics may help repopulate the digestive system with beneficial bacteria and help keep candida in check. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports that although the long-term safety of probiotics has not been thoroughly studied, side effects appear to be infrequent and mild.
Herbal supplements
Herbal supplements formulated to treat candida are often meant to be used as a one-time cleanse and are not intended for long-term use. If you are taking an herbal supplement as part of your candida treatment, be sure to follow the recommended instructions for use. You may wish to replace a cleansing candida supplement with another supplement designed for long-term candida maintenance. If symptoms persist after you complete a cleansing program, you may be able to repeat the cleanse a second time.