Are Lima Beans Allowed on Candida Diet?
Candida diet
A candida diet refers to a regimen of eating foods intended to kill excess candida bacteria in the gastrointestinal system. Candida is a yeast that occurs naturally in the body; however, certain factors can cause candida to grow out of control, which can cause numerous health problems. While symptoms of candida overgrowth can vary greatly from one person to the next, common problems include headaches, fatigue, sinus problems, digestive problems, vaginal yeast infections or jock itch, and oral thrush.
Causes of candida overgrowth
The two main causes of candida overgrowth are the use of antibiotics and a poor diet. Antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria that reside in the digestive system, allowing candida to grow out of control and causing an imbalance of bacteria. Certain foods also contribute to candida growth, including sugar, alcohol, milk, cheese, processed foods, refined foods, mushrooms, vinegar and caffeine.
Foods to eat
A candida diet should be high in foods that inhibit the growth of candida, especially leafy green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, kale and asparagus. It should also contain foods that are high in protein, such as meat, fish and eggs. Lima beans are also an excellent source of protein: One cup of lima beans contains 14.7 grams of protein.
Small amounts of beans can be beneficial to candida sufferers due to the high protein and fiber content. Beans can also ease cravings for dairy products. Vegetarians in particular may want to include lima beans in their diet if they suffer from candida. Many candida sufferers can tolerate a diet that consists of 10 percent complex carbohydrates; however, some people find they are unable to tolerate lima beans or other types of beans. To determine your own levels of tolerance for lima beans and other forms of complex carbohydrates, try small amounts of any foods in question and see if they cause your symptoms to worsen. If you find you can tolerate lima beans, try gradually adding more to your diet.