Corn Silk Tea Facts

Corn silk is the name given to the thin, hair-like strands that run the length of an ear of corn. These silky strands collect pollen to fertilize the corn, and they're also used to make a healing tea.
  1. Function

    • Corn silk tea reduces fluid retention and helps detoxify the body.


    • Aside from Vitamin C and potassium, corn silk tea provides important chemical compounds such as allantoin, mucilage, and saponin. The allantoin acts as a healing agent, while the saponin is an anti-inflammatory and the mucilage soothes irritated tissue.


    • To make corn silk tea, simply place a handful of corn silk into boiling water and allow it to steep for 10 minutes.


    • Corn silk tea has long been used to treat urinary tract infections, bladder infections, and any general kidney discomfort.


    • Along with soothing the urinary tract, corn silk tea has also been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve arthritis pains, and help in the treatment of jaundice and prostate disorders. When applied topically, corn silk tea can help heal wounds and skin ulcers.


    • There are no negative side effects associated with corn silk tea.

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