Holistic Remedy for Asthma
Basic Supplements
Because allergens and immune system response play a key part in asthma attacks, Vitamin A plus beta carotene is believed to be helpful. Vitamin A is necessary for tissue repair and aids in immunity. B5, the "anti-stress" vitamin, is another helpful supplement. In some instances, B6 injections may be helpful as B6 stimulates the immune system. However, seek a doctor's advice before receiving Vitamin B shots. Another potentially helpful supplement is magnesium. Studies indicate that magnesium deficiencies may play a role in certain types of asthma.
Additional supplements to consider include bromelain with quercetin C. Bromelain is a powerful immunostimulant and quercetin C has an antihistamine effect to help with mucus production. Coenzyme Q10 also has some abilities in countering histamine. Other holistic remedies include daily doses of honey or bee pollen from local sources, preferably from within a 10-mile radius of your home. Ingesting local honey and bee pollen is supposed to desensitize you from local pollen allergens.
Herbal Supplements
Some herbs reputed to help with asthma and boosting the immune system include: echinacea, horsetail, juniper berries, licorice root, ma huang, pau d'arco, propolis and slippery elm bark tablets. Echinacea, in particular, is good for the immune system. And ma huang will open up the lungs. Slippery elm bark helps create soothing linings to ease inflammation. Drinking a tea of pau d'arco will help as the tea acts as a natural antibiotic. Lobelia herbal extract is also helpful during an asthma attack as it is a bronchial smooth muscle relaxant. Another herb shown to produce good results is ginkgo, which contains ginkgolide B.
The Asthma Diet
Part of holistic medicine is to consider the body as a whole. This often means regulating the diet. People with asthma should consume a fresh diet, meaning they should eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains. Many with asthma would benefit from a hypoglycemic diet, one that contains no sugars, is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
A juice fast, or a fast using distilled water and lemon juice (or a combination of both), for three days can help cleanse the body of toxins and mucus. Depending on the severity of the condition, such a fast may be helpful once a month.
Avoid colas and other cold beverages. Avoid dairy products as they increase the production of mucus. Avoid alfalfa, beets, carrots, processed foods, salt, white flour and white sugar. Some may need to avoid fish, red meat, pork, chicken and turkey. Other potential triggers are sulfitic agents, which are found in many foods as preservatives.