How to Use Estrogen & Progesterone to Reset Periods
Things You'll Need
- Soy isoflavone capsules or prescription estrogen capsules
- Progesterone pills or cream
- Ovulation predictor kit, fertility monitor, or basal body temperature thermometer
- Chart or calendar
Estrogen & Follicular Phase
Begin a new cycle. Cycles begin on the first day of full flow bleeding during the menstrual period.
Use a basal body temperature thermometer to track basal body temperature. The thermometer must be used immediately after waking and before activity begins for the day. If your sleep pattern has been irregular or you have had less than three hours of sleep, discard that temperature. Mark the temperature on the calendar or chart each day.
Begin taking soy isoflavone or estrogen capsules to build estrogen on cycle days three through seven or cycle days five through nine as instructed by a doctor.
Begin monitoring with an ovulation predictor kit or fertility monitor after finishing the course of isoflavones or medication. These tools detect the surge of lutenizing hormone, which signals ovulation.
Continue tracking the basal body temperature. When the temperature rises and stays consistently high, this indicates ovulation on the day of the rise.
If pregnancy is desired, have intercourse on the day of the temperature rise or positive ovulation sign.
Progesterone & Luteal Phase
Begin using progesterone cream, pills, or suppositories on the day after ovulation.
Continue using progesterone until 14 days post ovulation, until menstruation occurs, or until instructed by a doctor. Progesterone may lengthen the luteal phase and extend the menstrual cycle.
Once full flow bleeding has commenced, mark this as cycle day one of the next cycle.