Holistic Help for Sinus Infections
Drink Lots of Water
The Mayo Clinic in its "Chronic Sinusitis" article recommends drinking plenty of water each day. This helps to dilute the mucus and increase drainage of the nasal cavities. In addition to water, drinking fruit and vegetable juices also helps with sinus infections. Try to avoid caffeine or alcohol. Both substances dehydrate the body. Alcohol may also worsen the swelling in the nasal passages. The article "Home Remedy for Sinus Infection" on the Sinus Infection Help website suggests drinking 10 glasses of water each day. The article also suggests putting 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drinking this mixture two or three times a day. Apple cider vinegar has potassium, which reduces mucus production.
Steam the Sinuses
Using steam is another good way to open up your sinuses and promote mucus drainage. Take a hot shower and breathe in the moist air. You can also boil a pot of water on the stove. Turn off the heat, drape a towel over your head, and bend over the pot. Breathe deeply so the steam reaches the entire passageways. The Mayo Clinic also suggests placing hot compresses on the face. Place a warm washcloth over the center of the face, covering nose, eyes, and cheeks. The article "Home Remedy for Sinus Infection" states "The main purpose is to thin the usually thick mucus so that drainage is enhanced." Breathe in the steam for two or three minutes as many times a day as is convenient.
Clean the Nasal Passages
There are a few ways to do nasal irrigation. There are bulb syringes sold in drugstores and neti pots. All of these devices help you to rinse out your sinuses with a saline solution. You can purchase small packets of saline powder which you add to the water. This is easier than purchasing the salt and mixing your own solution. These packets are sold online or in health food stores. Many neti pot kits also come with packets of saline to use. A neti pot looks like a small teapot. You fill the neti pot with water and saline and place the snout into one nostril. Turn you head to the side and pour the water into your nose. It drains out the other nostril. Then do the other side. Studies have been conducted on nasal irrigation. Several studies were done at the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine by R. Harney, et al. The report concludes that "nasal irrigation is an effective adjunctive therapy for chronic sinus symptoms."