Holistic Remedies for Scabies
Holistic Remedies
Several remedies exist for the treatment of scabies, because the parasitic condition is contagious. All people in contact with the infected individual should be treated.
The bark of the peepul tree can be powdered and used topically on the scabies rash.
Mash neem leaves into a paste and mix with mustard oil and turmeric to apply on the rash. Bathing after the treatment is recommended.
Also use apricot leaves. Make a juice from the leaves and apply to the affected area.
Other topical holistic skin care treatments may alleviate the symptoms of scabies. It is advisable to apply cold treatments rather than warm materials. Increasing the temperature of the skin brings an increase in mite activity and increases itching.
Due to the highly contagious nature of the infection it is advisable to seek professional medical assistance if the condition persists.
Eradicating the mites is also essential to prevent the spread of the infection and the re-infection of the individual. Permethrin cream, sold under the name Elimite, is often used to kill the mites.
Overall, proper hygiene of the body and the clothing and bedding is suggested to reduce the spread of scabies.