Benzene & Joint Pain
A Symptom
Anyone who worked with Benzene or was exposed to it for a long period of time should be aware of any changes they notice in their overall health. Joint pain brought on by Benzene exposure can be an early warning sign for several health conditions. The National Institute of Health lists the most common health issues as Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Severe Anemia. Those experiencing joint pain combined with exposure to Benzene should seek immediate medical attention.
High Risk Groups
The chemical Benzene has actually been banned from use in the United Stated for nearly 20 years. However it is still possible to suffer the effects of Benzene exposure. Those that work with solvents can still come into contact with it. Those that work in building, manufacturing and certain maritime professions still run a significant risk of exposure to Benzene. Unfortunately it only takes a small amount of the chemical to bring about negative health effects.
The joint pain brought on by Benzene exposure could only be a symptom. Although a serious and debilitating disease could become a possibility, there are treatments available. Chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants and leukemia treatments can be long and drawn out. They can however help with some patients making a full recovery. Once any initial symptoms have been experienced, such as joint pain, it is essential to seek medical attention. Early detection is still the best form of defense.
Although use of the chemical has been outlawed, exposure is still possible. Benzene is still contained within several solvents and other chemicals. The National Institute of Health recommends those that work in places where Benzene could be present to take the following precautions. Maintain good air flow and ventilation, wear gloves and safety goggles to prevent contact with the skin.
Anyone who is at risk of Benzene exposure or has contracted an illness from the chemical has a wide variety of support available. The Association of Cancer Online Resources, Cancer Care Counseling and The Cancer Information and Counseling Line are all support groups that can offer free advice and information.