Medical Benefits of a Mud Body Wrap
Why Mud?
Mud has natural healing properties that have been utilized for centuries. To begin with, mud is a detoxifier. It stimulates blood flow underneath the skin and pulls out toxins that have entered your body through the food you eat, the chemicals in the air and any medicines you may take. As a result of the mud wrap process, your skin is left feeling cleaner, softer, tighter and, thereby, more youthful.
Other Benefits of Mud
Mud body wraps have also been known to tighten and firm up the entire body, making you feel leaner and slimmer. Due to the toxins that enter our system daily, each of our cells becomes surrounded by liquid to neutralize the effects of those toxins on our system. Over time this fluid is turned into cellulite. The mud in the body wrap helps open up the pores and the wrap itself absorbs any fluids that are released by the mud through the pores. The wrap then squeezes the cells more tightly together, closing up the spaces where the extraneous fluid once was. This helps you to feel lighter, tighter and leaner.
Types of Mud and Their Benefits
Depending upon the type of mud used and the elements within that mud, it can be used as a natural treatment for a variety of ailments. Mud that comes from salt water, with a high content of salt and minerals, such as the mud found in Israel at the Dead Sea and in Utah at the Great Salt Lake, can help treat eczema (excessive dry skin), acne and body aches. Other types of mud, which have a high silicone dioxide content, such as mud found in Hungary, have been known to treat more serious health issues such as chronic joint problems and diseases that affect the joints and spine, as well as intense stress.
Application of Mud Body Wrap
While you are lying down on a sheet, usually one made of plastic, Mylar (a polyester sheet), towels or linens that will be used as the wrap later, mud is applied to your body. Once the mud has been applied, you are wrapped somewhat tightly to keep you and the mud warm, which aids in the detoxification. After about 20 minutes, you are unwrapped and washed clean of the mud.
Where to get a Mud Body Wrap
These wraps can be done at home with a mud wrap home kit or in spas, where a therapist will massage the mud into your skin and wrap your body for you.