How to Remove Moles Using Hypnosis
Things You'll Need
- Certified hypnotherapist
- Doctor's referral
Cognitive and Hypnotic Therapy
Consider the type of mole and its etiology before attempting to remove the mole through hypnosis. Any skin legion that changes shape or size, or has unusual coloration is potentially malignant. A dermatologist or physician should examine any mole being considered for removal to ensure its benignity. Surgical extraction is the only safe way to remove a cancerous legion. Most hypnotherapists require a medical release from a doctor. Make sure the client is aware that results are not guaranteed.
Talk to the client cognitively to reach an understanding about the origin and the client's beliefs about the mole. Results and length of therapy vary depending on the origin, size and coloration of the mole, and the hypnotic receptiveness of the client. Birthmarks and moles that have been present on the body for greater lengths of time are more difficult to remove than those that result from aging, stress or injury. Come to an agreement in cognitive therapy about how you will proceed. Use this time to determine the client's suggestibility and visualization skills.
Take the client into hypnosis by employing a technique that requires physical involvement. The arm-raising technique or any other induction involving motor control will activate the client's mental and physical unity, and get the client used to mind-body interaction. Watch the ease and depth with which the client enters hypnosis to gauge the progress of future therapy.
Use several deepening techniques such as progressive relaxation, eye fascination and staircase to take the client as deeply into hypnosis as possible. Mole removal will require a relatively deep trance. Establish the greatest depth in the first session and give the suggestion to always return to the perfect depth during hypnosis.
Take the client through a visualization and suggestion process for about 20 minutes. This may include the client visualizing him or herself without the mole and suggestions for improved immune-system function and blood flow to the area. Tailor your technique to the specifics of the mole. Use the client's own words; reinforce his belief in his ability for self-healing.
Bring the client out of hypnosis by counting from one to five or having her speak her name aloud. Be sure that the client is fully awake and aware before attempting to drive. Repeat the process for several weeks or until resolving the issue.