Diet for Acid Reflux & Candida
Acid Reflux Diet
Stay away from acidic foods and beverages such as soda, orange juice, citrus fruits and coffee, with or without caffeine. Avoid alcohol; it irritates the esophagus and relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, making it easier for acid to flow back up from the stomach. If you decide to drink, do so while eating. The food can mitigate some of alcohol's negative effects. Reduce your consumption of high-fat foods such as regular milk and dairy products made from it; they also relax the sphincter.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help flush out excess acid. Eat fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Chewing deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) can prevent reflux. Chew two tablets before or during your meals and before bed.
Aim for several smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. Do not lie down for at least three hours after eating. Start keeping a food diary. While the foods and beverages listed above are the most common triggers of acid reflux, everyone's body chemistry is unique. You might find other foods bother you personally. Keeping track of what you are eating and when symptoms strike can help you identify foods that you should avoid.
Candida Diet
Candida is a normally harmless fungus that resides in the body. When it grows unchecked, however, it can lead to an overgrowth and cause a vaginal yeast infection, thrush (oral yeast infection) and stomach upset. Stomach upset typically occurs after a long course of antibiotics or steroids, both of which kill off your body's supply of "good" bacteria. If this happens, see your doctor. Certain dietary strategies can keep candida in check.
Eat one clove of garlic daily; it is a strong natural antifungal agent. You do not need to chew it. You can cut it up in manageable pieces and swallow. Other natural antifungals include cinnamon, oregano, sage and cloves. Including these spices in your diet can keep candida in check.
Cut back on the white table sugar found in sweets such as cookies and candy. Reduce your consumption of dairy products and foods that have yeast such as breads, pretzels, beer, cheese and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Do not drink alcohol.
Take probiotic supplements daily. They are full of the good bacteria that keep bad organisms from growing out of control. Use as directed on the label. Look for yogurts that advertise live probiotic cultures in their product.