Natural Sinus Allergy Relief
Common Recommendations
Increase your fluid intake to promote drainage. This will increase your blood's volume as it circulates white blood cells to the infected sinus area and flushes out the allergens. Use steam--a hot shower, vaporizer, humidifier or heated water--to enter the sinuses and open them up.
Conventional Medicine
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, conventional recommendations include several types of medications for sinus relief. Expectorants are used to break down mucus and promote drainage. Common over-the-counter expectorants are Robitussin and Mucinex; there are also prescription-strength expectorants. Aspirin, ibuprofen and other pain-relief medications are prescribed to reduce the sinus inflammation and alleviate the pain. Antibiotics might be prescribed to fight any existing infection.
Antihistamines to relieve the sinus irritation, anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids, and allergy shots to support the immune response are prescribed when expectorants and antibiotics are not very effective. Some patients with severe cases of sinusitis might require surgery. The Allergy Relief Center states that surgery can drain the sinuses, remove blockages, repair nasal polyps or repair a deviated septum.
Natural Relief
Use nasal irrigation with plain or saline water to gently wash allergens out of the sinuses. Microorganisms and irritants adhering to the walls of the sinuses stimulate the allergic and inflammatory response. The neti pot and a nasal irrigation system are two popular ways to flush out the sinuses. Herbal remedies are alternatives to conventional nasal sinus allergy relief.
AllergiClear is an herbal formula produced by Native Remedies for sinus relief. According to Native Remedies, it contains quercitin from apples and onions to manage histamine levels, the herb eyebright to maintain eye health, and arsen alb for respiration, nat mur to balance fluid levels and kali mur for mucous membrane health. Those last three ingredients are homeopathic remedies.
SinuCheck relieves sinus irritation and promotes drainage, according to the maker, Enzymatic Therapy. The main ingredient in SinuCheck is eucalyptus extract. SinuCheck capsules are taken orally, with the contents released in and absorbed through the lining of the small intestine.
Seasonal Freedom
Seasonal Freedom, also from Enzymatic Therapy, is an herbal formulation to relieve nasal sinuses by supporting and enhancing the immune response to the causes of the allergy and to reduce the inflammation. Its extracts are from caper flowers, olive leaves, black currant and ginseng.