Natural Remedies of Vertigo
The Ear and BPPV
The Mayo Clinic website provides this description of BPPV: "[The inner ear] includes loop-shaped structures (semicircular canals) that contain fluid and fine, hairlike sensors that monitor the rotation of your head. Other structures (otolith organs) in your ear monitor movements of your head and your head's position. These otolith organs contain crystals that make you sensitive to movement. For a variety of reasons, these crystals can become dislodged. When they become dislodged, they can move into one of the semicircular canals--especially while you're lying down. This causes the semicircular canal to become sensitive to head position changes it would normally not respond to. As a result, you feel dizzy."
Your physician can perform a series of movements, known as the "canalith repositioning procedure," to help alleviate symptoms by repositioning dislodged crystals into a part of the ear where they won't cause vertigo and can be reabsorbed by the body. You can easily be taught to perform the procedure at home, as it may be necessary to do it a few times before the full effects are felt.
It is important not to lay flat the night after the procedure, as it takes time for the crystals to dissolve and they could move back into the inner ear where vertigo symptoms are caused once again.
Homeopathic Cures
There are no official studies proving either of these remedies actually cure vertigo; however, both have been known to lessen and improve symptoms of vertigo when used daily. It is not recommended you forego the advice of your medical health expert in lieu of the following recipes. They are made using natural grains, herbs and spices and unless you have an allergy to any of the ingredients, they will not harm you in any way. The only side effect may be the alleviation of your vertigo symptoms.
Soak overnight in water, just enough to cover 2 tbsp. of wheat grain, 1 tsp. of poppy seed, eight almonds and eight watermelon seeds. Make a paste. Fry two cloves in ghee (Indian clarified butter) and add to paste. Mix with about six to eight ounces of milk. Drink this every morning for one week.
Soak overnight in eight ounces of water: 1 tsp. amla (gooseberry) powder and 1 tsp. coriander seed. Strain, add ½ tsp. sugar. Drink as needed to relieve symptoms.