High Cholesterol & Natural Healing Information
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in flax seed oil and fish, can assist in lowering your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising your good cholesterol levels (LDL).
Oat Brans
Eat plenty of foods that contain fiber in the form of oat bran, like oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brown rice. The fiber in oat bran can help reduce cholesterol.
Reduce Stress
Yoga and meditation can assist in reducing stress. When you're under stress, your liver will create more cholesterol, since cholesterol is required to manufacture the stress hormones.
Foods to Avoid
Foods high in cholesterol like those of animal origin (meats and dairy) and those that contain trans fats, like margarine and deep-fried foods, should be restricted. Trans fats can make cholesterol levels rise.
Supplements and Garlic
The B vitamin niacin has been proven to raise the levels of good cholesterol and at the same time decrease the levels of bad cholesterol. Garlic assists in decreasing cholesterol levels as well.
High cholesterol can be a serious health issue. Have your cholesterol levels checked frequently and discuss with your doctor about safe alternatives to reduce your cholesterol.