Water Therapy for Weight Loss
The Facts
Water therapy customarily refers to the use of water in the process of weight loss. And even though it is a general recommendation of conventional health practitioners that you consume an ample supply of water in your diet, the praise of water therapy usually is said to come out of the alternative medicine field.
The consumption of water aids the body to lose weight in quite a few ways. When we consume more water it means that less fat gets deposited in our bodies. And when our bodies become dehydrated, more lipids and cholesterol gets deposited to prevent water from escaping our cells. Also, water ensures that our muscles work properly and helps to remove toxins from our bodies. And according to Jodi Stookey, lead researcher of Children's Hospital and Oakland Research Institute in California, "Drinking water can help you lose weight, partially because you are replacing some calories, and there may be additional reasons related to the total volume of water that we don't understand."
Though the more common use of the term water therapy refers to the consumption of water to help with losing weight, some may refer to water therapy as having to do with exercising in the water as well. Aerobic exercise in the water has the benefit of increasing the efficiency of the burning of calories. So in one way water is used internally to aid in weight loss through your diet and in another way it is use externally through your means of exercise.
According to Health Benefit of Water.com, weight loss is not about fat; it's about acid. The toxins in the body change the natural alkaline/acid balance and water helps to restore this balance. Therefore the fat grams, cholesterol and carbs that we take in may not be as important as the pH balance in our blood.
When we are working on losing weight with the help of water therapy, we should also eat regular meals. Even though drinking water does tend to suppress our appetite, skipping meals would be counter-productive to our weight loss efforts. The main role of water is to break down the food elements and aid in digestion.