Holistic Cures for Underarm Rash
The Basic Analyses
In any case with a rash under the arm, you should clean the area well. Women should avoid shaving for a few days. If you have changed deodorants in the last few days you may want to switch back to your previous brand. Keep the area as dry as you can. If you don't sweat alot, wear shirts that are close to the skin. Those are some of the basic approaches to try before moving on to the holistic treatment.
External Holistic Treatments
For skin rashes, you may want to try applying lavender essential oil to the affected area. This will help ease any discomfort. You may also want to try a remedy such as Aloe vera, which is known for its soothing properties.
For fungal and skin infections, try five drops of tea tree, clove, marigold and thyme essential oils mixed with a teaspoon of marigold ointment. Apply one to two times a day.
Other external treatments may include burdock as an anti-inflammatory and a cleansing herb. Evening primrose and chickweed are also used to treat skin disorders.
Internal Holistic Treatments
Some holistic treatments are as simple as drinking more water. Water is known to help keep skin healthy. Adding vitamin E to your diet will be helpful, as well as a good multivitamin. You may also want to find a good skin, hair and nail supplement as prevention.
Why Holistic Medicine?
Holistic medicine has been in use for hundreds of years. It has been used all around the world from culture to culture. Talk with a herbalist who can guide you in these natural treatments and discuss your options.
A Word of Caution
Before using any holistic or herbal treatment, consult your doctor and get proper diagnoses. Be sure that any medication that you are taking will not interfere with your treatment. Get a drug-herb interaction book for your own reference and do your own research to become well-informed in natural treatments. Taking control of your health is your responsibility.