Healing Techniques Using Singing Bowls
"Be there" with bells on
A singing bowl is actually a bell shaped like a bowl. Unlike usual bells, the singing bowl sits on a surface rather than being suspended or attached to a handle. The musicological name of a singing bowl is "standing bell."
Some adjustments required
The tone of a singing bowl will adjust any imbalance in the mind, body, or emotions. Tibetans have historically used bells, chimes, singing bowls, and chanting as aids to meditation and psychic awareness. Ancient Egyptian priests used sound to heal their patients by cleansing the psyche with specific tones. Buddha used singing bowls to deepen meditation and increase enlightenment.
Size and tone
Singing bowls are made of either metal alloys or pure quartz crystal. Hearing either creates an immediate relaxing and centering effect. The sound frequency balances the left and right brain and produces peaceful, centered energy. Bowls come in different sizes, all of which shift energy, balance chakras, and cleanse negative energy that may be stored in the body. The smaller the bowl, the higher the tone. Size increases depth and resonance of sound. A mid-range bowl is 10 inches and is tuned to G. Singing bowls can also be used to develop vocal talent.
Get your bowl on!
A singing bowl is an instrument that you play by either striking it with a padded mallet or rubbing the interior rim in a continuous circular motion. Both techniques are used to create harmonic tones and create an atmosphere of healing. Singing bowls can be used in conjunction with reiki, massage, color therapy, or hands-on healing. Essentially, one person lies down in a comfortable position in a warm room supported comfortably by pillows and blankets. The other person places one singing bowl on the stomach of the person lying down, with a non-slip pad underneath the bowl. The chest area has the greatest impact on healing. Be careful not to strike or rub the bowl too hard as the person lying down will hear the bowl better than you do. You can also play a bowl while moving around the body or while holding it over the body. Be careful not to place such a large bowl on a person that it will cause discomfort. There is no one right way to perform this type of healing. It is largely an intuitive process.