Holistic Nutrition
Holistic diets attempt to rid meals of all processed foods as well as foods with preservatives such as MSG. They typically contain large amounts of green vegetables and fruit high in fiber, such as asparagus, mangoes and broccoli. They encourage drinking water several times a day in excess of 2 liters every 24 hours. Lastly, they are usually supplemented by holistic remedies or extracts, such as those taken from the yucca root and milk thistle seed.
Several different vitamin, mineral or oil supplements are used in holistic nutrition to enhance the effects of organic foods and meals. Supplements such as licorice and spearmint are used to calm stomach pain. Supplements high in omega oils provide anti-inflammatory benefits and healthy fats. Supplements made from fruit extracts or powders are an excellent source of amino acids and antioxidants. Note that these supplements and many others provide only additional nutrition that should be taken alongside holistic meals, not replace them.
People who engage in holistic nutrition are typically at a lower risk of heart diseases as well as chronic complications such as stroke. Holistic nutrition provides the body with numerous vitamins, minerals and oils that promote digestive and urinary health. It combats obesity and aids in weight loss because it discourages foods high in salt, fat and sugar. Holistic foods and supplements can relieve minor complications such as stomach pain, and those high in antioxidants such as blueberries help strengthen the immune system.
Replace additives such as salt and sugar with naturally sweet and colorful garnishes such as dried fruit and nuts. Sweeten tea or other beverages with honey for a healthy alternative to sugar or artificial sweeteners. Eat smaller portions of food more often to maintain a high metabolism.
Holistic nutrition by itself is not entirely effective at promoting weight loss and should therefore be supplemented by daily exercise. Furthermore, holistic nutrition should not be solely relied upon as a means of curing existing illnesses or complications. Speak with your doctor if you are unsure about whether or not investing in holistic nutrition is a proper course of action.