How Often Can You Use Rescue Remedy?
Dr. Edward Bach was a noted homeopathic medical doctor and bacteriologist in England. In the 1930s Dr. Bach gave up his medical practice to research and develop a series of flower remedies. He found that the vibration of different flowers could be imprinted onto water. The energy of the sun, shining through the water droplet onto the flower petal, was enough to infuse the water with the energy of the flower.
Dr. Edward Bach realized during his medical practice that often a physical illness was caused by an emotional imbalance. He thought that, by treating the underlying emotion of a patient, he could expedite the patient's physical healing. Doing his own research Dr. Bach developed a line of 38 different single flower remedies, each one to help a different emotional state. He then made one combination remedy--Rescue Remedy--designed to quickly ease trauma and stress. It contains the flower essences in water, with some alcohol content, in a highly concentrated form; just a few drops are needed.
Bach Flower Remedies (of which Rescue Remedy is one) are now widely used. As demand grew, Dr. Bach needed a way to make the flower remedies in greater quantity than he was normally able to, by collecting dewdrops. He found that by floating flower petals in a clear bowl of water in full sun, he could achieve the same imprinting effect on the water. The flowers are then lifted out and the water imprinted with the energy of the flowers is preserved in brandy.
You can take Rescue Remedy any time you feel stressed and need to relax--before an exam or important meeting, after a long day of work, or when you just feel generally tense. Rescue Remedy is particularly good when you have suffered a trauma such as a minor car accident or fall. It can also be used for children when they are traumatized by an injury or an emotionally traumatic event. And finally, Rescue Remedy can help you unwind and fall asleep at the end of the day.
Taking Rescue Remedy frequently is fine; there are no side effects or drug interactions. Because you only need a few drops of the Rescue Remedy essence in a glass of water, most people will not be bothered by the alcohol content. However if you are highly sensitive to alcohol or if you are pregnant and concerned about the alcohol content you may want to consult your doctor. You can take Rescue Remedy several times a day, or more if needed. Even though it can be used frequently, do not take more than the recommended dosage indicated on the bottle.