Less Costly Techniques Similar to the Sedona Method
Release Technique
The Release Technique and the Sedona Method are both adaptations of the strategy for living developed by the original mastermind of the Sedona Method, Lester Levenson. Levenson's concept was that by learning to release negative feelings and emotions, individuals can achieve peace, prosperity and happiness. Upon Levenson's death in 1994, one of his proteges, Hale Dwoskin, founded Sedona Training Associates and began fleshing out the Sedona Method into the product we know today. Meanwhile, another of Levenson's understudies, Larry Crane, chose to develop and market another approach called the Release Technique. Both courses remain true to Levenson's main concept. While the cost of both courses ranges into the hundreds of dollars, the basic study materials in the Release Technique are usually less expensive.
"The Secret"
'The Secret" is a popular book and movie by Australian writer and producer Rhonda Byrne. Both the Sedona Method and "The Secret" draw heavily from the "law of attraction," the idea that individuals draw things to themselves, positive and negative, with their thoughts. According to the teachings, success and happiness may be achieved by avoiding negative thoughts and focusing only on positive outcomes. The two techniques are so intertwined that Hale Dwoskin, the guru of the Sedona Method, is prominently featured in both the book and movie of "The Secret." Learning and following the principles of "The Secret" may be less expensive and just as effective. A copy of "The Secret" can be had for less than $25, and the movement's website provides a variety of learning and study materials at little or no cost. Additionally, you can search resources such as Meetup.com for study group meetings in your area where people gather to discuss concepts such as "The Secret."
Other Teachers
There are many other highly-respected individuals who teach and share principles quite similar to the Sedona Method. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra all try to show individuals how to overcome mental and spiritual obstacles in the quest for overall success and happiness. While it's possible to spend large amounts of money on their various courses and seminars, it's just as possible to gain less costly insight from their books and, once again, simply by attending some of the study groups in your area devoted to each individual author.