Holistic Herbs to Take for Dog Cancer
Pet Alive C-Caps
These pills from Pet Alive are made up of an assortment of different herbs and the dog can ingest them with food. These herbal supplements have been known to fine-tune the immune system, which can help combat the cancer. There have also been tests conducted with this product that show that once it is ingested by mice, tumors cannot grow.
Moducare is another holistic herbal supplement that has been shown to not only improve the animal's immune system, but to also keep the inflammatory response system in check. With the mixture of specific plant extracts and herbs, Moducare boosts the animal's defense system, which in turn will help fight the cancer by enhancing the T-helper cells that the body uses to ward off and kill the cancer cells.
Super EPA
Many individuals take fish oil supplements for their skin and other parts of their body, but fish oil can be good for dogs fighting cancer as well. Super EPA is a highly concentrated supplement of fish oil. The use of fish oil has, in some studies, been able to slow or completely stop the growth of a tumor in animals taking it, as well as reduce the amount of skin damage received while undergoing radiation treatment. The supplement can also help slow the weight loss commonly attributed to cancer. This has not yet been proven conclusively, but there have not been a lot of tests conducted on the subject.