Holistic Health Treatment for Vertigo
Life Changes
There are a few changes in routine that can help to keep your dizziness at bay during an attack of vertigo. When you feel the symptoms coming on, try standing still and focusing on a fixed point. This can help give your brain more information about how you should balance and it will help the dizziness pass. Make sure not to leap out of bed in the morning but sit up for a minute before slowly standing up. Work on some breathing concentration exercises to ensure that you aren't holding your breath or breathing too quickly when you are in a stressful situation. You can purchase a breathing exercise on CD or just concentrate on slowly inhaling and exhaling when you feel the dizziness come on. Eliminate the caffeine, alcohol and aspartame from your diet as they may cause you more troubles. Similarly, salty and sweet food items can disrupt your inner ear fluid and make you feel dizzier during an attack.
Herbs and Supplements
Ginger can act quickly in defeating dizziness. It can also counteract nausea and motion sickness. Gingko biloba has been known to boost circulation in the brain, which will help to let dizziness pass quickly, though it may take a few months for you to feel the full effects. Vitamin B6 is helpful to the nervous system; a deficiency in this nutrient will keep the brain from functioning properly. Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) can help proper blood circulation and stop inflammation, which can help to alleviate symptoms. Vinpocetine comes from the periwinkle plant and may improve oxygen supply to the brain. Other herbs that may help are lycium, mistletoe, pumpkin and sweet violet.
Other Holistic Treatments
There are various other treatments that will require licensed practitioners. Exercises called vestibular rehabilitation can be administered by a physician to help with your vertigo attacks. Some spinal disorders may cause vertigo, and treatments like physical therapy, spinal manipulation and certain exercise programs can help with vertigo caused by such disorders. Migraine headaches may also cause vertigo as a side effect and can be treated with medication, dietary changes, physical therapy and acupuncture. Other treatments that may help are hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, homeopathy (specifically Gelsemium Sempervirens) and tai chi.