Holistic Treatment for Depression
Proper nutrition can forestall bouts of depression in some individuals, while the wrong diet can be counterproductive. Certain ingredients, such as foods containing processed sugars and caffeine, are know to exacerbate depression. While others, like the Omega 3s found in tuna, salmon and mackerel, are known mood lifters. Additionally, how an individual consumes food may be equally important as to how much he eats. Consistency seems to be the key to healthful consumption. Several small meals work better for metabolism, weight and mood control, than starving and binging.
There are several ways to include relaxation techniques into even the busiest of lifestyles. Meditation and relaxation therapies help to lower blood pressure, increase brain function, promote longevity and alleviate depression. Among the self-administered techniques are breathing exercises, prayer, meditation, and yoga.Additionally, practitioners of acupuncture, massage therapy, and Reiki have had good results with clients suffering from anxiety and depression.
Exercise and Rest
Moderate exercise helps maintain the overall well-being of a body, but also releases endorphins which are in turn linked to mood. Exercise also helps to regulate sleep patterns and promote adequate rest.
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol and drug use not only exacerbate existing depression, they also can mask its symptoms. While moderate consumption of alcohol may seem a harmless indulgence, abstinence is recommended in the treatment of depression.
Health supplements that can overcome a body's deficiencies in folic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin B and B complex and Vitamin C are beneficial in the natural treatment of anxiety and mood disorders. A therapist or health care professional can first determine if indeed the depression is triggered by some biological factor. St. John's Wort, an herbal remedy available in capsules or as a tea, has also been shown to ease symptoms of depression.