Holistic Cures for Foot Pain
Try reflexology to soothe your foot pain. Reflexology consists of pressure therapy. This technique has been used for thousands of years in India, China and Egypt as a means of banishing pain and curing and preventing disease. Reflexology is based on the premise that certain reflex points (or nerve zones) travel from the bottom of our feet to the very top of our head. These points include all of our vital organs. When pressure is applied by a trained reflexologist to energy lines, or the meridians, on the sole and the sides of the feet, this can determine the cause of someone's illness and pain.
Another approach is acupressure. Michael Reed Gach, director of the Acupressure Institute of Berkeley, Calif., and author of Acupressure's Potent Point (See Additional Resources), recommends pressing on the top of the foot in the valley located between the second toe and the big toe to relieve pain in the big toe. Keep pressing on this spot for 60 seconds. If you are having foot cramps, press the upper arch of the foot, approximately one thumb's width from the ball of the foot. Do this for one minute.
Aromatherapy, as unlikely as it may sound, might help reduce your foot pain. Judith Jackson, author of Scentual Touch: A Personal Guide to Aromatherapy, recommends soaking your feet in 10 drops each of lavender and juniper essential oil, which you add to 2 quarts of warm water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes.
Apis, Sulfur, Graphite
If your feet are swollen and are stinging and burning, take a dose of Apis three times a day, recommends Dr. Andrew Lockie, author of the book The Family Guide to Homeopathy. Lockie notes that sulfur will help if you have burning feet, especially at night. If your feet burn when you walk, he recommends taking Graphite 6C three times daily. These products are available in health stores. He advises using these remedies for three weeks. If they don't help, see a homeopath or physician.
Stretch the foot first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed and before you put any pressure on it. Another technique, this one recommended by Holistic-health-coaches.com (See References 2), is to place a rolling pin or tennis ball beneath your foot and use the arch of your foot to roll it. After you master this, stand up and do the exercise.
Get yourself some shoes that fit well and are comfortable and provide you with support. Add insoles. According to Holistic-health-coaches.com, supportive insoles/arch supports, along with exercise, will lessen your foot pain over time.