Natural Herbal Colon Cleansing
Water and Fiber
Two important things to include for colon health in everyday life are water and fiber. These two products work to flush out the system, reducing buildup of excess waste and toxins. To begin cleansing the colon, reduce the amount of junk foods in the diet for optimal living. Water consumption is important to keep things flowing and allowing the colon to work. Individuals should drink water that totals half of their weight in ounces for the best health benefits. Fiber should also be consumed each day to promote a healthy colon. The daily recommended amount for men and women is 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day. While taking fiber, keep up water intake to reduce constipation.
Natural Herbs
Natural herbs are used for many detox programs and helping of ailments. Herbal recipes help the colon remove buildup, as well as improve organ function and prevent toxin accumulation. Some herbs work as a laxative, while others help in digestion and function improvements.
Diet teas that contain the herb Senna promote a laxative effect on the bowels. It creates slight stomach contractions, which help the waste buildup be removed from the colon. Senna is not recommended for long-term use, so only drink the recommended amount for optimal health benefits. Psyllium is a popular choice for herbal colon cleanings. Containing fiber and benefits toward the intestinal lining, Psyllium seeds absorbs water from the digestive system, contracting the colon for bowel movements. Using Psyllium seeds must be done with plenty of water to prevent the risk of constipation due to the water absorption in the digestive track.
Herbal Supplements
Supplements containing natural herbs are ideal for those who want to clean the colon in an effective and natural manner. Individuals who have occasional gas or constipation should also incorporate a natural colon cleanse to reduce symptoms and improve health and well-being. Natural supplements contain ingredients, such as Aloe Vera, which help to reduce toxins from the digestive track and colon as well as promote bowel movements. It is important to take supplements as directed to reduce dehydrating through too frequent bowel movements. By drinking water, incorporating fiber into the diet and taking an occasional supplement or herbal recipe, the colon should become healthier and work better to remove waste buildup and toxins.