Easy Massage Therapy Business Start-up Idea
A lucrative way to make money is to have a different on-site chair massage location set up for each day of the week. Set up some prime time hours like noon to 8 p.m. to catch the lunch and dinner crowds at a restaurant. Instead of paying for your daily space, give the owner 15-minute gift certificates for employee incentives. Set up at bookstores, restaurants, airports, car washes and anyplace people have time to kill. Eventually you may become the drawing card that brings in business to the places that you are set up at and they will want you to be there more days. If you stay consistent and are where you say you will be, your clientele will build up quickly. A great way to keep your clients aware of where your located for the day is by using Twitter (see resources below). Post your location for the day and offer a Twitter special for your regulars.
A referral program works well with this setup, as well as offers such as: "Buy 30 minutes, get 10 minutes free if you bring a friend." Some states will make this idea cost-prohibitive, so check and see if you will be required to have an establishment license for each location your working from.