Coconut Oil Adverse Side Effects

Coconut oil is often widely-praised for its anti-inflammatory characteristics, and it is used to treat many gastrointestinal conditions, including irritated bowel syndrome (IBD) and Crohn's Disease. However, the oil is also criticized by physicians and doctors who claim the oil raises cholesterol levels.
  1. Features

    • Coconut oil is made from pressing and refining coconuts. Found in most health food stores, the oil contains essential omega-3s, a healthy source of fatty oil. Many homeopathic physicians praise coconut oil for its anti-inflammatory and healing characteristics. In addition, the oil is considered extremely cost-efficient, abundant and effective.

    Adverse Effects of Coconut Oil

    • Coconut oil is a form of saturated fat, though widely-considered a "healthy" source of the fat. Nonetheless, many physicians believe saturated fats are bad for a patient's health because they raise serum cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart conditions.

    Hydrogenated vs. Non-Hydrogenated Coconut Oil

    • Although several studies have linked coconut oil to higher cholesterol levels, many of these studies have been completed using hydrogenated coconut oil, a form of the oil that is higher in fat and serum cholesterol. Therefore, many homeopathic physicians and patients believe the results of the studies are inconclusive and have given coconut oil an unfair reputation as unhealthy.

    Benefits of Coconut Oil

    • The oil is rich in omega-3s, a form of fat that many consider to be linked to healthy skin and hair and improved brain function. Many homeopathic physicians prescribe the oil to patients with gastrointestinal conditions, including Crohn's Disease and irritated bowel syndrome or IBD. The oil is also considered to improve recovery and healing time, and to decrease irritation and inflammation surrounding bodily tissues.

    Recent Studies

    • Although scientists have been studying the healing qualities of coconut oil since the 1980s, scientists have only recently begun to test coconut oil for possible negative side effects. However, many recent studies indicate that coconut oil only increases cholesterol levels when trans fatty acids are present in the patient. Scientists believe this is because the fatty acid chains have been altered by the oil refining process from their original, natural form.

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