Colon Detox Home Remedies
Herb Cleanse
An effective home colon detox requires using the right herbs. Combining herbs can be dangerous, so using just one herb is the best strategy. One of the best herbs for an at-home detox is psyllium husk, as it can be used alone with great results. Psyllium husk acts like a rough sponge to slough off any impacted feces and toxins that may be stuck on the intestinal walls. Mix the herb into water and drink the mixture.
Salt Flush
One of the fastest ways to cleanse your colon is by inducing a bowel movement by drinking a highly concentrated salt water. Do this by adding four tablespoons of Epsom salts to 24 ounces of filtered water to make six 4-ounce servings. Drink one, then another serving two hours later. Then, add one-half cup of olive oil to the mixture and drink the rest of the mixture at once.
The mixture will be almost unbearably salty, so try sucking on a lemon between sips to lessen the taste. You will begin experiencing a series of bowel movements anytime from the first serving to the last servings. If not, an enema can be used to trigger movements.
You will feel nauseous at first. As your system clears out, the nausea will subside and you will feel cleaned out and refreshed. This should only be done once every three months because of its strong effects on the colon.
Giving yourself an enema at home is one of the easiest ways to clear out your colon. Enemas force water, or water mixed with sodium bicarbonate, into the rectum and colon, then drain out the impurities. To do an at-home enema, purchase an enema kit and follow the directions. The kits usually include a disposable bottle, a lubricated tip for insertion, and a solution. For the purpose of cleaning out the colon, enemas should be performed, in the beginning, three times the first week, once a week for each of the next two weeks, then once a month thereafter.
Cleansing your colon removes bad bacteria, but it also removes the good bacteria that is necessary for a healthy and properly functioning digestive and immune system. To replace the bacteria that is lost during the cleansing process, you can take probiotic supplements or kefir, which is like yogurt but contains many more strains of good bacteria than regular yogurt. You can make your own yogurt with friendly bacteria with just live culture strains purchased at a health food store and milk.
Side Benefits
When performing a colon cleanse at home, other parts of the body, such as the liver, will also be involved in the process and receive the cleansing benefits.