What Is Body Balance?
Body balance targets all aspects of body functions. Health food stores sell body balance supplements and food products geared towards making sure that the body maintains proper nutritional balance. Massage therapy at spas promote body balance touching techniques. Sports gyms maintain body balance regimes, such as aerobic dancing and weights workouts, which target range of motion and equilibrium of the body. Meditation centers teach yoga and tai chi for body balance relaxation and balance of mind. It is not necessary to have a body balance workout instructor, although one can benefit from this just as one benefits from a personal trainer. You can purchase body balance DVDs (see Resources below) that teach basic body balance techniques and perform body balance workouts at home.
Body balance helps a person achieve calm and confidence. Body balance improves circulation and blood flow. Body balance also improves a person's range of motion, which is particularly of benefit to older persons who may break a bone if they fall. Using body balance techniques, such as deep breathing and range of motion exercises, keeps a person stabilized and reduces risk of losing one's balance when walking, bicycling, jogging or running.
Body balance promotes healthier living by calming the person body and mind. When the person is calm, he loses the stress of day-to-day living. Body balance techniques, such as exercise workouts and meditation, strive to keep the person stress free even when they are not engaged in that particular endeavor. Long-term effects are better breathing, calm, relieve from many aches, pains and greater range of motion.
Body balance puts the body back into natural order (see References below). The body moves freely and fluidly. The person sleeps deeper, wakes more rested, and feels more productive during the day. The person is able to bend, stretch and stoop easier and with little to no soreness in muscles from doing these exercises.
As with any program that contain physical exercise elements, consult your healthcare provider before embarking on a body balance regimen. Even though over all the program should bring benefits to you, you must be healthy enough to do strenuous exercise. If you are not able to do this, seek a program with less exercise and more calm, such as sitting meditation.