Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are common conditions that many of us will face at some point in our lives. Homeopathic treatments can be helpful in managing and alleviating the symptoms of these disorders.
  1. Causes of Depression and Anxiety

    • Physical changes in your body chemistry, emotional issues, or trauma are just some of the factors that can trigger depression or an anxiety attack. Recognizing the cause of depression or anxiety is an important first step in finding an effective homeopathic treatment.

    Homeopathic Theory and Practice

    • Homeopathic medicine is based on the theory of 'like cures like." Minute increments of substances that provoke specific symptoms are introduced, usually orally, stimulating the body's immune system to fight back against those same symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are formulated from natural substances found in animals, plants and minerals and usually have few or no side effects.

    Some Treatments

    • Homeopathic treatments are specific, for instance, grief-based depression or anxiety is treated with ignatia, while hosphoricum cidum is recommended for depression-related exhaustion. A common form of anxiety that manifests itself as stage fright is treated with argentum nitricum. Most health food stores have access to professional homeopaths or homeopathic references to help define your symptoms and recommend treatment. In addition to finding the right formula for your specific condition, it is important follow dosage instructions carefully.

    Homeopathy and the Medical Establishment

    • The 18th-century German physician Samuel Hahnemann was the first recorded advocate for homeopathic medicine. Over the last century, homeopathy has gained significant acceptance and is practiced throughout Europe, Canada and the United States. Some MDs and ODs incorporate homeopathic theory and treatments in their medical practice.


    • Depression and anxiety can be treated, but it is important to recognize these are serious conditions with potentially dangerous complications. Monitor your condition carefully and report any abrupt changes in mood or physical symptoms to your doctor. If you experience any self-destructive, suicidal impulses or thoughts, seek help immediately.

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