What are the Side Effects of Mangosteen Juice?
According to one case report, there may be a link between prolonged daily intake of mangosteen juice and an increased risk of acidosis, which is an acidity of the blood plasma (see link in Resources).
Loose Stools
Some people, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome, may experience loose stools after drinking any kind of juice, especially those containing high levels of antioxidants.
Some people may be allergic to mangosteen juice, especially if they have other fruit allergies. Symptoms include rash, nausea and vomiting.
Cancer Treatment
Antioxidants, like those found in mangosteen, help to prevent cancer. However, they may actually interfere with cancer treatment, since chemotherapy relies on free radicals to destroy cancer cells.
Preventing Side Effects
Most side effects from mangosteen juice are mild, and they can be prevented or mitigated by taking a lower dose. One oz. per day or less is generally recommended.