How to Get Rid of Acne without Medication

What is the best way to get rid of acne? Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum. Acne typically occurs in puberty but can even occur in adulthood. Many people turn to medication to get rid of acne but often these have side effects. There are many natural treatments that get rid of acne just as well.

Things You'll Need

  • clean wash rag timer
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      Make certain to keep the skin clear always. Use oil-free cosmetics, sun screen, hair gels, and lotion. Look for non-comedogenic products which don't clog the pores.

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      Try steaming the face using a clean wash rag as a compress. Steaming helps open up the pores.

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      Lettuce is another way to naturally get rid of acne. Soaking the lettuce in water for several hours will make a special mixture. Use on the infected areas a rinse

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      Ripe tomatoes can be used on small patches of acne. Slice a ripe tomato in half and place the wet portion on the acne patches. Leave on for around an hour and rinse.

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      Try drinking green tea to naturally get rid of acne. Green tea has been known to fight bacteria and improve over-all health. It has very strong antioxidant content to clean out the body and many healing properties. Green tea can be taken in pill form or powder form.

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      Apply a mixture of milk and lime juice. Heat around 1/2 cup milk to a boil then add the same amount of lime juice. After cooling the mixture, apply to the infected areas and rinse.

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      Lemon can be used as an effective way to get rid of acne. The citric acid in lemons naturally removes the bacteria on the skin. Rub lemon on your skin before bedtime and wake up to a clearer face the next morning.

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