About Full Body Detox After Cancer
What You Need
There are various things that you will need in order to do an effective full body detox. Be sure that you have a high quality juicer. Most of the cleanse consists of combining various juices for their specific cleansing effects on certain organs. Be sure to also buy plenty of distilled water, and buy your fruits and vegetables and herbs each week rather than all at once. For instance the first week you will be focusing on the kidneys and bladder so be sure to only buy the ingredients you need for that particular week to guarantee freshness.
Organic food is best, but if you are unable to afford organic produce, be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing them. While you are cleansing, eat only light healthy, non-processed meals. Stick to whole foods, and eat when you are hungry. Avoid fast food or any other foods that add toxins back into the body. Eliminate all dairy, sugar and questionable foods. Focus on eating a clean raw food diet. You can eat lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. You can also eat as many vegetables as you want while cleansing. Healthy eating will just add to the effectiveness of the cleanse. Take a whole food multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with extra B-vitamins.
Kidneys and Bladder
A full body detox after cancer involves cleansing all the major organs within the body. Two very important organs are the kidneys. The kidneys filter out wastes and toxins on a daily basis. After cancer, the kidneys can be very sluggish from the huge load of drugs that were running through the system. Purging out extra toxins from the kidneys can help these vital organs to work better in the future. The flush will also help to remove uric acid build up in the kidneys and bladder.
Kidney and Bladder Cleanse Week 1
Your shopping list includes cranberries or pure cranberry Juice, dried hydrangea root, ginger root, whole food multivitamin and mineral supplement, and distilled water.
Avoid drinking soft drinks, coffee or any artificially flavored drinks. Instead drink 8 to 10 glasses of pure distilled water each day. Continue to drink water on a regular basis even after the cleanse. First thing in the morning, prepare and drink tea made from dried hydrangea root. Pour cranberries in your juicer in order to make the freshest, most pure cranberry juice. If you have a high quality juicer you can include the seeds, otherwise take the seeds out before juicing. For extra cleansing benefits, mix fresh ginger in with the juice. However, if you can't buy fresh cranberries, instead opt for store-bought cranberry juice. Only buy 100 percent cranberry juice that doesn't contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup. Drink 8 or more oz. of fresh cranberry juice daily, for seven full days.
Blood and Lymphatic System After Cancer
The blood and lymphatic system can become very toxic after cancer treatments. Even after the cancer is cured, many toxins from the cancer drugs still circulate within the body. In order to fully heal properly, it is important to clean the blood and lymphatic system of excess garbage. This process can take time, but it is well worth it. A healthy lymphatic system and clean blood help the body to run more efficiently.
Blood and Lymphatic System Cleanse Week 2
Your shopping list includes strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, red clover, burdock root and vitamin C powder.
Each morning, massage the armpit and chest area in a circular motion for 10 minutes. This will help to drain toxins and fluid from your lymph system. In addition, massage your lymph nodes under your neck for a few minutes as well. In the morning, brew homemade tea with blood cleansing herbs such as burdock root and red clover. All berry juices are blood cleansers. The berries can really help to clean the blood of impurities. Great berries to use are strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. In the future, you can have berry juice on occasion for a health jolt. In the afternoon, drink 8 oz. of distilled water with 1 tbsp. of vitamin C powder. The vitamin C powder will taste slightly sour, so drink it down quickly.
Liver, Gallbladder and Bowel Cleanse Week 3
Your shopping list includes beets, cucumbers, carrots, apples, non-alcohol milk thistle tincture, lemons and limes.
Upon rising, juice carrots, beets, cucumbers and apples in your juicer, and pour 10 drops of milk thistle into the drink. Drink 8 oz. or more of this particular juice blend. The beets and milk thistle have a very powerful cleansing effect on the liver, and the other vegetables will help to cleanse other nearby organs. In the afternoon, juice fresh lemons and limes only in the juicer and drink 8 oz. or more of this drink. The lemons have a powerful effect on the liver and gallbladder.
Skin Detox
Your shopping list includes Epsom salts, seaweed, baking soda and chlorine bath filter.
The skin absorbs everything we put on it. To cleanse and purify the skin, take hot steam baths in chlorine-free water daily. You may need to invest in a chlorine bath filter. Fill the tub with seaweed, one cup of Epsom salts, and one cup of baking soda. Relax and unwind. The sweating from the hot bath and steam will help to purify the skin of toxins. To keep your skin toxin-free, use only paraben or chemical-free lotions on the skin. Parbens are preservatives that have been linked to cancer. They end in abbreviations such as methyl and butyl on the ingredient list.