How to Control a Subconscious
Things You'll Need
- Meditation Visualization Affirmations
How to Control a Subconscious
Use affirmations. The subconscious responds to what it is fed, the same way children respond to the words they hear from their parents. If children hear praise, they will continue to try to please. With the subconscious, if it is fed positive thoughts and goals, it will respond by trying to please. You can control your subconscious by constantly telling it what you want it to do for you. Saying, "I have a loving relationship," if you want to improve your relationship, will start your subconscious mind on a journey of giving you a better relationship. However, you must repeat this multiple times every day so your conscious mind does not take control with its own thoughts based on what you are currently experiencing. You can use affirmations to obtain anything you want; weight loss, obtaining money, a new vehicle. The possibilities are limitless. Simply state them as such; "I am thin," "I am rich," "I have a brand new car." Be sure to always state them in a positive manner and in the present tense.
Practice meditation. Meditating, simply put, is a way of relaxing your mind so that your subconscious can take control over your conscious mind and give you what you desire. The subconscious is the core of the mind; it plays a significant role in the emotions you feel and your state of physical well-being. Through meditation, you can rid your mind of its conscious thoughts and make way for the subconscious to come alive.
Visualize. This is a pictoral method of affirmations. Your subconscious responds better to visualizations, therefore when attempting to control the thoughts of your subconscious mind, visualize what you want as though it is already yours. Close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like if you won the lottery. Picture holding the ticket in your hand and checking each number as it is called, the excitement building as every number is a match. Make it as vivid as you can, even if it includes tears streaming down your face or your body trembling with excitement. Feel what you are seeing in your mind and do not stop until you feel as though the goal has been achieved.
Set a deadline. When your boss gives you a deadline at work, it generally gives you an incentive to work harder and faster to have your task completed on time. The same is true with the subconscious mind. The glory of it is that it will do whatever is needed to make your goal or dream a reality. So give it a deadline and make it clear you want your goal achieved by a certain time. The subconscious will then step it up, feeling your urgency, and will make any adjustments it needs to so that your goal will be met in the time frame you have allotted.
Stay on track. Your conscious mind will try to play devil's advocate; there will always be distractions that will keep you from practicing control over your subconscious. This is natural. But this is also when you need to make a conscious effort and decision that you want the goal you have set and nothing will sway you from it. If you have any doubts, the subconscious will pick up on these doubts and become confused. However, if you remain steadfast in your decision and practice control over your subconscious, telling it repeatedly what you want, your goal will come to fruition.