How to Increase Serotonin With Foods and Vitamins
Check your diet. Take a good look at what you've been eating. Keep a food log for two or three weeks. Write down every single thing you ingest--food and drinks. Many times depression and low serotonin levels can be alleviated by simply eating a better diet, which includes more whole foods and less processed foods.
Eliminate junk foods and simple carbohydrates that only cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash again. This is a vicious cycle that many people fall into. They eat simple carbs to boost their mood and their serotonin levels (and they do, temporarily), however, there is always the inevitable fall, which leaves one feeling worse than before.
Stop using caffeine. This includes coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate.
Get enough sunshine. Sunshine has been shown to increase serotonin levels. If you live in a northern area and can't get outside during the colder months, at least stop wearing sunglasses and plastic lenses while you are outside. Sunshine needs to penetrate the retina.
Eat more complex carbohydrates and less protein. Carbohydrates, in the form of fruits and vegetables, can help the amino acid tryptophan assist serotonin levels to rise. Protein, on the other hand, can do just the opposite.
Take your B vitamins. Vitamin B6 is especially important in raising serotonin levels.
Add an omega-3 fatty acid to your diet. Besides helping serotonin levels and alleviating depression, omega-3 fatty acids have a number of health benefits such as improving skin quality, assisting heart function, lowering cholesterol levels and more. It is best to balance an omega-3 fatty acid with an omega-6 source.