Natural Cures for Allergies
The Immune System
The first step in managing allergies naturally is building up the immune system. An allergy is not a normal response from the body; it is a deficiency in the immune system. Most allergies are a result of chemical imbalances whereby the body produces too much histamine when coming into contact with the allergen. Food-born allergies are associated with the production of an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). As of now, the only way to deal with food-born allergies is to avoid the foods that cause the allergies.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, and with this treatment alone many allergic responses can be quelled in the body. In the allergic response, which may include sneezing, rashes and watery eyes, the body is overproducing histamine to an allergen. A much higher dose of vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance by the FDA (60 mg) is needed in people with allergies. To stave off allergic responses to allergens, a person should take between 1000 to 3000 mg daily, especially during seasonal allergy times. In order to prevent scurvy, which is the body's response to too much vitamin C and a sudden withdrawal, a person should taper off the dose of vitamin C over a period of time should they choose not to take the megadose year round. Giving the body a break from any supplement is always a good idea, and the taper should be done over a period of three to four weeks.
Acidophilus may be taken in pill form, or a person may simply wish to eat a natural yogurt with probiotics. Acidophilus is a powerful immune enhancer, and building up the immune system is important when you have allergies. Probiotics aid digestion, and most people with allergies also have "leaky gut syndrome" in which toxins from the digestive tract are leaked out of the gut and into the body. As absorption of nutrients also takes place in the digestive tract, these toxins escape the gut with the nutrients. Taking an acidophilus supplement maintains the healthy flora in the digestive tract, which is needed to neutralize toxins and whisk them out of the body.
Bee Pollen
Those allergic to bee stings should not take bee pollen; however, for those with an allergy to stings, bee pollen is a safe and powerful immune enhancer. Raw crude pollen produced within 10 miles of your home is best and can be found at your local health-food store and sometimes from your local beekeeper. The easiest way to take bee pollen is to add it to a cup of tea. Start with a few granules and work up to 2 tsp. daily over a period of a few weeks. You may notice an increase in energy and clearer thinking as bee pollen contains natural B vitamins.
Oinions and Garlic
Onions and garlic are natural blood "disinfectants" that clean out and kill harmful toxins in the bloodstream and gut. Garlic pills have been given to animals for years to clean out worms, and a frequent cause of many allergies is a parasite lurking in the gut--unbeknown to the person. Sprinkling garlic on your food or adding onions to your diet a couple of times a week will strengthen the immune system and again, prevent the allergic response from occurring.
Although this list in not inclusive, these are some very easy and inexpensive ways to managing allergies naturally. Should food allergies be the problem, all these methods will ease the symptoms, but an elimination diet should be undertaken in order to identify the foods causing the allergic response.