How to Make Rejuvelac and Restore Intestinal Flora

Intestinal flora supported by friendly lactobacteria in the intestinal tract can be compromised by high colonics, any kind of herbal or therapeutic cleansing program, or by the use of antibiotics. The problems that can result from a low intestinal bacteria count range from minor indigestion to severe cramping, constipation and long-term health issues. The simplest and easiest way to restore lactobacteria is to make and drink rejuvelac.

Things You'll Need

  • 2¼ cups of distilled or purified water
  • 1 cup whole wheat berries
  • 3 or more glass quart jars with caps
  • Ion generator
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    • 1

      Purchase wheat berries from a co-op, health food or natural foods store where seeds and grains are purchased for fast turnover, and make sure you are purchasing the current year’s berries.

    • 2

      Wash out the jars and caps thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse carefully, and allow to dry.

    • 3

      Pour the water into the jar and add the cup of wheat berries. Place the cap on the jar and let it sit for 1½ days at room temperature.

    • 4

      Strain off the liquid without shaking the jar to avoid mixing it up, leaving about 1 cup of water with the berries in the jar. Refrigerate the liquid in another glass jar with lid. Use an empty jar each day so that the liquid is not accumulated in the same jar in two consecutive days.

    • 5

      Cover the berries with 1½ cups of water, shake, then replace the lid and shake moderately. Use the same berries for up to 10 days, straining off the liquid every 24 hours.

    • 6

      If you have an ion generator, place it near the rejuvelac jar, which will significantly enhance the process and reduce the risk of putrification.

    • 7

      Drink ½ cup 3 times per day, preferably with meals. Continue to consume the rejuvelac for 30 days. If the results you are seeking are not achieved in that period, use it for up to 8 weeks.

    • 8

      Discard any liquid that you did not drink after 24 hours.

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