How to Hypnotize Someone Easily

There are several approaches one can take to hypnotize a person easily. From the use of stress and anxiety to the use of child like abandon and meditative release, it is easy to hypnotize another person. You don't need a swinging clock to put someone under your spell. All you need is a little step by step instruction and a clear understanding of which approach will work best for you.


    • 1

      Use the stage method. With authority and esteem command the subject to perform a series of rapid instructions.

    • 2

      Overwhelm the subject with a series of commands that work to incite stress and anxiety.

    • 3

      Use the full command of your authority to overwhelm the person. Create a rapid fire succession of commands that direct the subject to follow each as he releases his will to resist your authority.

    • 4

      Command the subject to move further into his subconscious, moving incrementally to a deeper state with each beat. Begin to count from 10 to two.

    • 5

      End by instructing the subject that he will be hypnotized when you say the number "one."

    • 6

      With force-full authority instruct the subject to into a hypnotized state by acknowledging the number "one." The subject is now hypnotized.

    • 7

      Use the therapist method. Talk the subject into a deep hypnosis trance with slow meditative communication.

    • 8

      Lead the subject step by step into a deep trance. Using a tender, steady, monotone voice, instruct the subject to count from 20 to zero.

    • 9

      Tap your foot to create a rhythm for the patient. You can also count down from five to zero to provide an example for the subject to follow. Use your voice to build trust.

    • 10

      Instruct the subject to move further and further within his subconscious. He should move further and further within his subconscious until it totally takes over.

    • 11

      Explain that you will gently tap the subject on the forward three times when she reaches the number zero. Instruct the subject that when she feels the third light tap on her forehead, she will be 100 percent within her subconscious mind.

    • 12

      Guide the patient with three light taps. On the third tap, pause and then ask, "Tell me what you see."

    • 13

      Talk the person through the event, memory, tragedy or fear that his subconscious mind now rests.

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