How to Use Natural Remedies for Hiatal Hernias
Things You'll Need
- Evening primrose oil
- Digestive enzymes
- Whole-leaf aloe vera juice
- Licorice root
- Fennel seeds, slippery elm
- Sheep sorrel
- Black walnut
Treating Hiatal Hernias Naturally
Supplement your diet with 1,000 to 2,000 mg of evening primrose oil, which can be purchased in capsule form. It contains essential fatty acids that aid in digestion and reduce inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.
Consider adding digestive enzymes to your diet as natural remedies for hiatal hernias. This will help to increase the enzymes in your body, and are most effective if consumed about an hour before eating. Approximately 1,000 mg three times per day should be sufficient.
Drink one glass of whole-leaf aloe vera juice before each meal. Aloe has proven successful in many cases of gastrointestinal distress, such as patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, and is thought to also aid in digestion.
Add herbs such as licorice root, fennel seeds, slippery elm, sheep sorrel and black walnut as other natural remedies for improved digestion. These can be powdered and mixed with water or fresh ginger tea, or they can be consumed in capsule form.
Consume three to four tablets of calcium phosphorica (calc. phos.) for severe discomfort related to hiatal hernias. This natural remedy will help relieve burning and stinging pain in the chest, and might make it easier for you to sleep at night. Essentially, calcium phosphorica replaces mineral salts that promote healthy cellular production.
Perform plenty of chest and abdominal exercises. Hiatal hernias will be easier to heal if your muscles are strong and flexible, but make sure you don't overdo it. Fifteen or twenty minutes of exercise three times per week will be sufficient.
Consider undergoing massage therapy if you have surgery for hiatal hernias. Gentle massage will stimulate blood flow in the chest and abdominal area, thereby speeding up the healing process.