How to Use Kombucha Tea for Health
Things You'll Need
- Measuring cups for 4 oz. and 8 oz.
Obtain a starter mushroom from another Kombucha user. There is a list of advocates available online that will give away starters to new users. If a donor is not available, get a start by purchasing from a mail order supplier.
Grow your own mushroom from the starter. It is necessary to maintain multiple mushrooms in various stages of growth to have a supply of the tea available at all times.
Consume at least 4 oz. of tea per day. Many advocates use more than this amount but seldom do they exceed 2 cups per day. Don't consume too much at the start of the treatment to avoid temporary side effects. Begin with a small quantity and build up over the period of a week to 10 days.
Drink Kombucha tea to dissolve gallstones. There are scientific studies from Prague that show that the glucon acid present in the tea can dissolve gallstones.
Take the tea to aid in the treatment of asthma. The tea is more effective than the Interferon product used by some, without the side effects found with Interferon.