How to Treat Guilt Naturally
Find a local hypnotherapist in your area through the yellow pages or from an association for hypnotherapists in your state. Interview several over the telephone or face to face before making a decision.
Learn how to self-administer a state of hypnosis in order to counteract depression. There are several products on the market that may work for you.
Expect to be guided into a state of deep relaxation by counting backward from ten or focusing on an object. Choose a nature scene or calming background to concentrate on.
Choose an affirming statement to repeat such as, "I am safe and invited to be happy in my life. Everything is ok." During a state of hypnosis the mind is more accepting of suggestion.
Work to continue practicing the treatment whether with exercises from your hypnotherapist or on your own.
Try a group hypnotherapist support group for depression, anxiety or grief. Being around others will decrease the sense of isolation that comes with guilt and depression.